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May 16, 2024
Managing risk and compliance in financial solutions projects

Join our webinar to understand the current landscape and discover solutions to these pressing issues:

  • Understand impact analysis to validate compliance and standards in a project
  • Manage requirement hierarchies and the impact of changes across the development team
  • Visualize the three lines of defense in risk management
  • Increase teamwork with seamless collaboration
  • Enable visibility, collaboration and alignment across departments and stakeholders
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June 12, 2024
Software architecture for AI-intensive systems - Grady Booch

About the Webinar

Most people will never design their own AI; rather, they will more often use AI components as part of a larger system. In this talk, we’ll examine the nature of architecture, the architecture of AI systems, and some of the best technical and organizational practices that bring the two together.

About the Presenter:

Presented by Grady Booch, IBM Fellow, Chief Scientist for Software Engineering Research.

Having originated the term and the practice of object-oriented design, Grady Booch is best known for his work in advancing the fields of software engineering and software architecture. His current research is focused on embodied cognition, wherein for the past several years he has been working with a group of neuroscientists to develop a pattern language of the brain. A co-author of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a founding member of the Agile Alliance, and a founding member of the Hillside Group, Grady has published six books and several hundred technical articles, including an ongoing column for IEEE Software. For over a decade, Grady was a trustee for the Computer History Museum. He is an IBM Fellow, an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, has been awarded the Lovelace Medal and has given the Turing Lecture for the BCS, and was recently named an IEEE Computer Pioneer. He is currently developing a major trans-media documentary for public broadcast on the intersection of computing and the human experience.

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